Can I just take a minute?

So I’ve been thinking so much on how Christians as a whole are viewed, and I was thinking about why people would hate a person just because of what they believed and then I read a couple articles there “Christians” completely bashed celebrities or nonbelievers in such hateful, condemning language. Can I apologize on behalf of them? Loved ones…children of the most high… YES we are preach truth and defend our God and live out His will for us, but we are NOT called to be hateful and condemning. Those people who we condemn are God’s creation, whether they believe what we do or not, whether they don’t live the way we do or not …we should never say someone is trash or say they’re going to hell. WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU DOING?! I get it, you’re human, you make mistakes…you let things slip, but above all else WE ARE TO LOVE! We are called be like Christ.. who was kind TO ALL. Holy cow, how much can you say about someone who doesn’t believe without saying something about yourself? All you do is destroy their view of our amazing God. When you say such awful things about others, you make them believe that’s the character of our Father!! YOU REPRESENT CHRIST! Goodness. My heart hurts for those condemned by “Christians.” I lived that life, rejecting Christ because of “Christians” who lied to me about who my Savior was, and what He came to do for me. He came to save me from what I thought was freedom. People don’t want our freedom and want their own freedom? That’s okay. It may not be right to us, but when they chose that life.. that means we continue to love and pray for them. NOT CONDEMN THEM! You don’t know them. You don’t know their heart… only our Father does. He knows, He understands, and as long as there’s breath in their lungs they have choice! A CHOICE TO BELIEVE AND FOLLOW WHAT WE DO OR TO NOT. So don’t you dare condemn them. Don’t you dare degrade His creation. They way not be living in a way we like, they may not believe what we believe, but we are called to love and live as light…not darkness…not pushing them away from Christ. Chill, y’all. Seriously. How could we ever be accepted if all we make ourselves out to be are jerks?! No wonder we have such a bad rep…bless. To those who have been hurt or offended..I am SO sorry. Please don’t look at our God with hate for what His sinful people do. My oh my how my prayers are about to be filled with those who condemn…even myself at times.

What do I believe anyways?

“Christian” has become such a basic term in the scheme of things. I’m pretty sure everyone I meet here in the bible belt claims faith, and most of their lives don’t exactly say “I practice what I preach.” So what makes me different? Well, firstly, I won’t be the kind of person to just post a bible verse and devotion and be done. This is seriously my life. I’m here to tell the truth and maybe along the way help someone else find their truth.

What do I believe? I believe Jesus Christ is a man, the true Son of God, who was born of a virgin (impregnated by the Holy Spirit) and lived a life as a man. He was without sin following the law of God and living out prophecy to ultimately die on a cross for the sake of my and your sins. He faced trials like us, and he was human just like us.

I’m not here to bash any one’s beliefs (on purpose.) I’m not here to force my life choices on someone else. I’m just hoping through this someone can relate and maybe share some struggles or you could learn from my tough lessons. But who am I kidding?! We all end up having to learn for ourselves. I am a disciple of Christ, and when I say that…what I mean is I am here to be a servant and live a life devoted to my God! I want to live out His will and plan for my life. He has one for you too! It’s just whether or not you chose to accept that calling or not. One thing that has concerned me as I begin this is people taking me the wrong way (which some will.) Please help me remember this is not for them, fully. It’s mostly for myself in hopes someone (even if one person) can helped or relates to what I go through these next 4 or more (or whatever) years!! I’ve studied other religions and wasn’t a believer until I was eighteen (I’m now nineteen.) This isn’t just something I grew up being taught and have always known and believed. You’ll get to know more about me and my beliefs in posts to come, but for now that’s all I want to say. Also, I believe that faith in Jesus Christ is a relationship, and not a religion. My walk it not about “do and don’t,” but simply growing closer to God and ultimately wanting what He wants for me. Him becoming more, and I becoming less. So that’s that. That’s who I am, and what I believe.